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Eastman Bluestreak II

(Blue streak 2)

From £2296 +VAT


Eastman is one of the best known manufacturers of cloth cutting equipment in the world and with the Bluestreak II they have a machine which is widely used & highly respected through-out the textile & clothing industry.

The Eastman Blue Streak II - model 629, is a general purpose  straight knife cloth cutting machine, available in different blade sizes. 

Eastman BlueStreak II 629

It features:
  • A low centre of gravity for ease of use
  • Built-in blade sharpener, using simple inexpensive emery bands
  • Square, low profile base plate with smooth running rollers
  • Built-in oiling system with visual level gauge
  • Quiet single speed industrial motor (dual speed option)

Eastman Blue Streak cloth cutter Eastman emery bands model 629
Built in oil & blade sharpening systems
6" - 8" - 10" - 11.5" or 13" blade size models.

Eastman 627 Brute available with higher horsepower motor

Eastman Blue Streak II (model 629)

 Used Eastman Bluestreak II available from stock


Special versions available including the Eastman Micro Fog which ensures maximum heat reduction when cutting highly fusible materials and plastics


Spare Blades for the Eastman 629 & 629x Blue streak II available from stock.

Our workshop offer servicing & repairs for the Eastman Bluestreak & Brute models.



Used Eastman Bluestreak II 629 & 627 Brute

Click on photos for more details

Used Eastman Bluestreak cloth cutting machine.

6" straight knife blade, older style class 555

Shorter/lighter model for cutting low lays.

£495 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 555
Used Eastman 629 Bluestreak II cloth cutting machine.

6" model,

Serviced & tested ready for use.

£990 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak
Eastman 629 Bluestreak II cloth cutting machine.

Used 6" model, serviced & tested with warranty.

£1050 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 6"
Eastman 629X Bluestreak II with 6" blade

Mechanically in excellent condition, light usage.

Fully tested with 6 months RTB warranty.

£1590 +VAT
Eastman 629X
Eastman Brute heavy duty straight knife cloth cutting machine.

Fitted with 6" blade

Service & tested with RTB warranty.

£1420 +VAT
Eastman Brute
Used Eastman Bluestreak II cloth cutting machine.

8" straight knife model.

Serviced and tested ready for use.

£950 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 2
Used Eastman Bluestreak II with auto band sharpeners.

8" straight knife model.

Reconditioned ready for use.

£990 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 2
Eastman 629X Bluestreak II with 8" blade

Very good condition, had light-moderate usage only.

Fully tested with 6 months RTB warranty.

£1525 +VAT
Eastman 629X bluestreak
Used Eastman model 625

8 inch straight knife cloth cutting machine made in USA

Serviced & tested with warranty.

£705 +VAT
Eastman 625
Used Eastman 625 cloth cutting machine.

8" straight knife blade

Serviced & tested with warranty.

£710 +VAT
Eastman 625
8" Slow speed Eastman 629 Bluestreak II

Serviced & tested with 3 months RTB warranty.

Special slow speed model to reduce heat & fusing.

£995 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 2 slow speed
Eastman 629 DS

8" Dual speed Bluestreak II

Serviced & tested with 3 months RTB warranty.

Dual speed model

£1350 +VAT
Eastman dual speed bluestreak 2
Eastman Micro Fog model 627XMF

for cutting highly fusible materials and plastics

8" special version of the Bluestreak including the Micro Fog device which sends a mist of coolant / lubricant behind the knife and out through a specially slotted knife-slide to penetrate every layer helping to reduce fusing. 

£1790 +VAT
Eastman micro fog
Eastman heavy duty brute cloth cutting machine made in USA

Model 627 with 8" straight blade

Reconditioned & pat tested with warranty.

£1430 +VAT
Eastman brute
Used Eastman 625 cloth cutting machine.

10" straight knife blade

Serviced & tested.

£765 +VAT
Eastman straight knife recondtioned
Used Eastman Bluestreak 2 cutting machine.

10" straight knife blade.

Serviced and tested.

£1020 +VAT
Eastman 629R bluestreak cutter
Used Eastman 629 Bluestreak 2 cutting machine.

10" model, reconditioned with 6 months RTB warranty.

£1150 +VAT
Eastman Bluestreak 629
Used Eastman 629 Bluestreak 2 cutting machine.

10" straight knife model.

Service & tested ready for use.

£1170 +VAT
Eastman 629
Reconditioned Eastman Bluestreak 2 cloth cutting machine.

10" model with 6 months RTB used machines warranty.

£1180 +VAT
Eastman bluestreak 2
Eastman 629 DS

Dual speed Bluestreak 2 with 10" blade

Serviced & tested with 3 months RTB warranty.

Dual speed model

£1450 +VAT
Eastman dual speed cloth cutter 629
Used Eastman Bluestreak II industrial cloth cutting machine.

11.5" straight knife blade

Special tall version for cutting wadding and quilting or high lays of very low density material.

Reconditioned with 3 months RTB warranty.

£1350 +VAT
Eastman Bluestreak 11.5"
Eastman 629X industrial cloth cutting machine.

Tall version, with 11.5" straight knife blade, for cutting high lays of low density materials.

Reconditioned with 3 months RTB warranty.

£1490 +VAT
Eastman 629X 11.5" cloth cutter
Used Eastman Bluestreak II industrial cloth cutting machine.

13" straight knife blade

Extra tall version for cutting high lays of low density material, for example quilting & wadding.

Made in USA

Reconditioned with 3 months RTB warranty.

£1490 +VAT
Eastman 13" bluestreak

More used Eastman cutting machines from £295 click here

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J. Braithwaite & Co. (SM) Ltd
5 Cheltenham Street - Salford Manchester M6 6WY England
0161 736 2861
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